We’re always adding new features and updates — and we don’t want you to miss any of it. Here, you’ll find the latest innovations made to the industry leading Retail Crime Intelligence platform.
Link Analysis now provides a crystal-clear view of the relationships between individuals and their known connections. We also now reveal known connections and accomplices that haven't yet been added to an investigation. This feature opens up a broader perspective, helping Investigators uncover potential new leads and unexplored networks. This might include other persons, vehicles, or events that could be crucial to the investigation.
Evidence Requests enables law enforcement to request evidence for non-retail crimes and investigations through Auror where retailers can quickly and securely upload and share evidence. This saves both parties time, reduces data security risks and helps solve non-retail crimes faster.
Mobile barcode scanning allows partners to quickly add products to an event by scanning barcodes via our Auror mobile app on any mobile device. Until now, retail partners needed a physical scanner to be able to add products to an event via barcode. However not all retailers had physical scanners available. Mobile barcode scanning means you don’t need to be at a desk, have access to a physical scanner, or add products to an event manually. This saves time and ensures complete data entry, particularly when you could be dealing with a trolley full of recovered goods.
The data summary table allows you to better compare data in categories with many results, select just the data you want to see on the chart, and allow you to the total counts for each data column. The table of results is exportable to CSV so that you can better share, pivot and report on your data.
Improve the logic of displaying images in the event profile carousel when multiple people and vehicles are involved so the order goes like this: Person 1, images 1,2,3,4 then Person 2, images 1,2,3,4 then Vehicle 1, images 1,2,3,4 then Vehicle 2, images 1,2,3,4.
Retail partners are now able to search investigations by name, people, vehicle, products, events, and collaborators. The need for this function arose as our retail partners continue to extensively use Investigate, making it increasingly difficult to find the case they need just from browsing the list.
Report of the users who have reported events for that store with dynamic time period, including: Number of events reported by the user for the store Total value of events reported by the user for the store Recovered % by that user for that store
Improvements have been made to the way evidence locker works, the improvements include: Only scroll when needed When we added the next and previous button to the evidence locker file modal, we also started ensuring that last file in file modal is visible in evidence locker when the file modal closes. Instead of only scrolling to the file card when needed, we always scrolled creating janky jumpy UX. It is now changed to only scroll when needed so works far more smoothly. Faster file modal transitions (sometimes only visually) Some of the images are loaded quite fast, especially if they’re cached. With transitions, it takes about 600ms to make the transition, but the image is usually loaded faster than that. To make the transition visually faster, and sometimes actually faster when the image is cached, we attempt to load an image for 300ms before making the transition. Once the image is loaded, we immediately swap images. If the image is not loaded within 300ms, we still swap but there’ll be a spinner showing that image loading is in progress. Scroll to the added file We now ensure the newly added file in the Evidence Locker is visible.
Previously if a person displayed any of the four behaviors considered threatening, i.e. aggressive, physically abusive, weapon involved, intoxicated or under the influence, they’d show a ‘Threatening behavior’ warning on the person’s profile. We’ve heard feedback from retailers that there is value in quickly understanding exactly what behavior the person has displayed so a team can respond appropriately, so we now show each behavior individually.
Organizations often have thousands of products in their inventory but they tend to experience theft across a small number of products often, with a long tail of less-commonly reported products. We’d like to assist reporters in adding the right products as quickly as possible, so we're experimenting with matching and merging products that are the same but were named slightly differently. This means surfacing more accurate data around the products being targeted most frequently, and makes it easier for the right products to be added to an event report.
All event types in Auror have the same level of visibility and access within an organisation (and wider collaborating network) today. In the future, some event types or specific events could be classified as sensitive and have different access restrictions. For example, a report could be created for an internal case where an associate is being investigated for shoplifting, but not appear on the feed, or be accessible to anyone who has not been invited to the case.
The Auror mobile app currently sends notifications when an event has happened in an area you in the last 30 minutes. In future you would be able to choose which of your notifications you'd want to receive via mobile push, and which you want in-app or email notifications for.
Report downloads enables you to download all your data relating to Auror events and investigations over customizable time periods instantly.
Evidence Requests enables law enforcement to request evidence for non-retail crimes and investigations through Auror where retailers can quickly and securely upload and share evidence. This saves both parties time, reduces data security risks and helps solve non-retail crimes faster.
Mobile barcode scanning allows partners to quickly add products to an event by scanning barcodes via our Auror mobile app on any mobile device. Until now, retail partners needed a physical scanner to be able to add products to an event via barcode. However not all retailers had physical scanners available. Mobile barcode scanning means you don’t need to be at a desk, have access to a physical scanner, or add products to an event manually. This saves time and ensures complete data entry, particularly when you could be dealing with a trolley full of recovered goods.
Blocking access to take screenshots of Auror intel on mobile to prevent sensitive information from being shared inappropriately.
Make it easy to see the potential total $ value and activity status of profiles for suggested merges of repeat offenders.
The data summary table allows you to better compare data in categories with many results, select just the data you want to see on the chart, and allow you to the total counts for each data column. The table of results is exportable to CSV so that you can better share, pivot and report on your data.
Alert a reporter when the person they're adding to an event has a current trespass notice for the site, so the event is also a breach of trespass.
Improved visibility of draft intel in investigations by displaying it in the timeline.
Improve the logic of displaying images in the event profile carousel when multiple people and vehicles are involved so the order goes like this: Person 1, images 1,2,3,4 then Person 2, images 1,2,3,4 then Vehicle 1, images 1,2,3,4 then Vehicle 2, images 1,2,3,4.
Money orders are a primary financial tool of the underbanked populace to pay debts in the US, so we're adding Money orders as a payment method when adding a retail payment to events in Auror.
View trespass notices for a person on their person profile so you can see a summary of the trespass activity.
Retail partners are now able to search investigations by name, people, vehicle, products, events, and collaborators. The need for this function arose as our retail partners continue to extensively use Investigate, making it increasingly difficult to find the case they need just from browsing the list.