Making the leap from consulting to tech can feel like a bold move, one that promises a world of new challenges, opportunities, and probably a better work-life balance too.

We sat down with three of the Auror team - Kylene Jones, Senior Director of Retail Solutions, Bec Eastwood, Senior Retail Partnerships Manager, and Matt Sorkin, Customer Strategy Director - who all made the switch from the demanding world of consulting to the innovative tech landscape at Auror. 

Here's what they had to say about their journey, and why Auror might be the perfect fit for anyone looking to make the same move.

Why leave consulting?

The reasons for making the transition from consulting to tech are as varied as they are compelling. 

For Kylene, it came down to two factors: “I really wanted to get involved in the implementation and get my hands dirty. Although building the strategy was rewarding, it was tough not being able to see our ideas come to life.” 

And then there was burnout. 

“On one project, I was working 20-hour days, sleeping three hours a night—it wasn’t sustainable. I needed to find something that was rewarding but wouldn’t break me.”

Bec echoed this sentiment: “In consulting, I could never take credit for the execution. The strategy part was great, but actually seeing things come to life? That’s where the magic happens.”

Matt added, “In consulting, projects would make it to market, but often after months or even a year. At Auror, you get to see the real, tangible results almost immediately. You’re in it for the long haul, and that’s incredibly satisfying.”

What makes Auror different?

One word kept coming up in our conversation: impact

Kylene said, “At Auror, you’re not just making recommendations and moving on—you’re able to see your ideas through and partner with customers to make a difference, and that’s powerful. You see the ripple effect of your work in real time.”

Beyond that, the culture at Auror stands out. 

“It’s about the team, not the individual,” Matt pointed out. “In consulting, you’re constantly evaluated as an individual, always needing to self-promote. Here, it’s so refreshing to have that focus on the collective win. It’s not about who gets the credit, it’s about achieving the best outcome together.”

Bec chimed in: “Auror has this incredible culture of appreciation. Weekly gratitude, shoutouts—it sounds small, but it creates an atmosphere where everyone feels valued.”

Better work-life balance

Another major perk of moving to tech, and to Auror specifically, is the work-life balance. 

“It’s 1000% better,” Kylene laughed. “I can commit to regular hobbies now. In consulting, it was a tough balance to sign up to any extracurricular activities outside of work. Now, I have the flexibility to manage my time. I can go to appointments, try new sports, and make my own choices as to where I want to prioritise my time.”

Matt added, “Auror operates on a 'slow is smooth and smooth is fast' mentality. We’re not rushing to meet billable hours or cutting corners. Things feel less hectic than in consulting, the quality of work is higher, and that pace is intentional.”

Challenges? Sure, but totally worth it

Of course, no transition is without its challenges. 

“For me, it was the sheer number of moving pieces,” Bec admitted. “Auror is a tech company with a multi-faceted product that creates a network effect. We work closely with law enforcement and retailers, and the platform integrates with an ecosystem of software and hardware - there’s lots to wrap your head around. But this intricacy is what makes our product sticky, and consulting gave me a great foundation to be able to handle that complexity.”

Matt found that adapting to the customers’ pace in the Asset Protection and Loss Prevention space was an adjustment. 

“You have to shift gears and realise that some things are out of your hands, but it’s worth it when you see the long-term impact.”

Bringing consulting skills to the job

One of the best things about moving from consulting to Auror? You don’t leave your skills behind. 

“The structured thought, the feedback loops, the ability to come up to speed quickly on complex problems—those are all things that translate really well to tech,” Kylene explained.

Matt agreed: “In many ways, my role here feels like I’m still consulting, just internally. The difference? I get to continue working on projects that impact people's everyday lives – without having to sacrifice my personal life to do it.”

Bec added, "Consulting set me up incredibly well to be a Retail Partnerships Manager at Auror. There's so much variety to the role. On any given day, I might be running business reviews, meeting with customers to better understand their evolving world, analysing data, workshopping strategies, crafting messaging, or collaborating with our product team on customer feedback. It's the perfect blend of commercial strategy and relationship management." 

Advice for consultants thinking about making the move

For consultants eyeing a switch to tech, our team had some key advice. 

“Check your ego at the door,” Bec warned. “Auror isn’t a place for hierarchy or politics. It’s all about collaboration. You also have to be okay with ambiguity—things move quickly, it can be dynamic, and you need to roll with it.”

Kylene added, “You’ll also need to embrace the fact that things don’t need to be perfect. In consulting, there’s a pressure for perfection, understandably, but at Auror, it’s about getting things done and then improving as a team.”

Matt’s advice was simple: “Don’t be afraid to not know all the answers. At Auror, it’s okay to ask for help, and you’ll have an incredible team backing you up every step of the way.”

The bottom line

For consultants thinking about making the leap to tech, Auror offers a rare combination: the ability to make a tangible impact, working with an incredible team, and the ability to enjoy a more sustainable work-life balance. 

As Kylene put it, “What you do here really matters, and you get to see it firsthand.”

Looking to make the leap? Check out our open roles here.

October 1, 2024

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