Sabinah Ellahi is a Customer Success Specialist in Auror’s UK office. Joining the team just nine months ago, Sabinah has swiftly adapted to her role, leveraging over a decade of retail management experience to drive success in a new tech-focused environment. With a background that spans bustling London fashion stores and strategic roles in central retail operations, Sabinah's journey is a testament to adaptability and seizing the professional development opportunities in front of us.

We asked Sabinah about her journey thus far, her experience working with Auror, and her tips for successfully pivoting into tech from a retail background.

What was your background before joining Auror?

My love for retail developed quite early on and my career actually started on the shop floor! I worked for a fashion retailer throughout university while studying Business Management, starting as a Christmas temp and worked my way up through the ranks to management. After gaining invaluable experience across London stores, I was approached for a role within Central Retail Operations and jumped at the chance!

Throughout my Retail Operations journey, I’ve had the pleasure of working for some incredible brands. After 11 years I decided it was time for a change. I always knew at some point I’d need to pivot my career due to the toughening UK retail climate; I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do or where I wanted to end up, so I decided to just take the first step to see what was out there. Sticking to my bread and butter of Operations Management, I dived into the world of Construction, joining a small private company, close to home and with a family-like culture which I absolutely loved.

What sparked your interest in tech?

Tech is the not-so-new foundation in our everyday life. It's a space I knew I wanted to be in; however, I had no clue how to get there — especially with brick-and-mortar retail experience. So when I learned about Customer Success with a focus on retail, it was a game-changer and a career I knew I needed to pursue — but only if I found the right company.

Reflecting on my career journey, I noted what I loved most and which environments I’d thrived in. I knew I wanted to find a company that aligned with my values, purpose, passion, and pace. I wanted to find a working community that puts its people first, where I could continue to grow and make an impact, and where inclusivity and diversity are celebrated (this is super important to me!). All while being in a future-proof industry. That's a lot of boxes to tick, but that’s when I found Auror!

Can you give an overview of your role as a Customer Success Specialist?

My main mission is to look after our customers and make sure their Auror experience is smooth, fun, informative, and full of great outcomes! My time is split between training and onboarding, engagement activities, providing proactive support, solving problems, deep-diving into stats and metrics, being the voice for our customers, and spending quality time with their teams.

Being in Customer Success definitely keeps me on my toes, but I love how dynamic, fast-paced, and fun the role is — there’s a new challenge every day!

What motivates you at Auror?

I feel truly fulfilled when I’m doing something for a greater good, being in alignment with my values, and having a positive impact. I try to be intentional in what I do; whether that be the people I surround myself with or the environments I spend time in. I want it all to mean something.

There are so many things to love about Auror: the mission, the culture, the people, the energy, the pace, the opportunity to constantly learn and grow! Auror really celebrates and values authenticity, diversity, and a kindness-first approach. This makes it so easy to show up as your best self, knowing you’re in the safest space, surrounded by incredibly like-minded peers who all want to see you succeed.

I’m incredibly grateful to be a part of such an epic company, to add my passion for retail into the mix and also know that my work contributes to keeping people in stores safer. It’s a perfect match!

What has been your biggest learning?

Starting in a completely new industry and in a role I’ve never been in before, there’s so much to learn! The biggest standout for me was learning to operate from the mindset of a retail partner versus working within a retailer itself. I’ve tried to flip that into my own personal challenge of really seeking to understand our customers; their people, their businesses, and their unique ways of operating, as well as building key strategic relationships. It’s been a great refresher for me to lean back into my listening and coaching skills I’ve learned along the way.

Do you have any tips for those who may be considering changing careers?

Take that first step: I promise the thought is much scarier than the actual change! Once you find yourself in your new world, embrace the feeling of being uncomfortable. You’re essentially a student again. Be curious, keep an open mind, start to build your network (the people around you will have a huge impact), and take each day as it comes.

It can be a steep learning curve (and a daunting one at that), but so worth it! As with everything in life, the real beauty is found in the journey — allow yourself to enjoy it!

Keen to leave your mark and help shape a safer future with technology? View open roles at Auror.

May 22, 2024

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