Briscoe Group includes the popular Briscoes Homewares, Rebel Sport, and Living & Giving stores with more than 85 locations across New Zealand. With a recognised name and national footprint, Briscoe Group is always looking to protect its brand and profits with a proactive approach to stopping crime.
Low Crime, Healthy Bottom Line
As one of the top-performing publicly listed retailers in Australasia, Briscoe Group has a strong focus on inventory management. A key part of this is adopting new tools like Auror to help keep shrinkage rates low, protect staff and customers, and deliver a healthy balance sheet for shareholders.

Briscoe Group Reduces Unknown Loss by 18%
Auror helps keep repeat subjects out of Briscoe Group stores, providing company-wide visibility of crime and preventions, and creating a smarter theft-prevention programme based on intelligence, data and analytics. Those Briscoe Group stores with dedicated Loss Prevention Specialists using Auror have significantly reduced unknown losses, while also contributing more intelligence in the form of crime incident reports. Now, Briscoe Group is using Auror to integrate even more new technologies into its Loss Prevention programme, such as Civil Recovery Automation. Briscoe Group has already doubled reparations year-over-year and is recovering more of the cost of crime to its business.

“Auror gives me the intel to ID and prevent prolific subjects from targeting our stores. It’s already helped be to be more vigilant about known subjects and organised retail crime rings.”

“Auror has played a key role in us achieving this through providing better data to police and the courts. It’s such an awesome and easy way to communicate with other stores in relation to theft activity.”
Connecting the Dots
Auror helps Briscoe Group prevent subjects from successfully entering and committing crime in its stores, like the actual offender profiled below:

Auror has taken our Loss Prevention programme to another level. With increasing Auror use by our store teams we’ve seen an increase in crimes reported and prevented. That means we’re gathering more intelligence about subjects, and deterring them when they enter other stores. We now know what’s going on, both at individual stores and across the Group. Subjects are being recognised where before they may have gone undetected. That’s a powerful tool for crime prevention.