On this episode of The Retail Crime Intelligence Podcast, join public safety and law enforcement veterans, Rob Wolf and Raul Aguilar, as they discuss the future of crime intelligence and answer questions from the crowd in this previously recorded LPF webinar.

Raul Aguilar is the Senior Director of Law Enforcement Partnerships at Auror. Prior to joining Auror, Raul served as the Deputy Assistant Director for the Countering Transnational Organized Crime, Financial and Fraud Division for Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) – the principal investigative component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

Rob Wolf is the Senior Director of Public Safety Solutions at Auror. Prior to joining Auror, Rob led a company focused on building 911/CAD and RMS systems for small and mid-sized agencies. He is also the founder and former president of a software company that focused on helping manage large-scale national security events and disasters, once recognized as Microsoft Partner of the Year.

In this episode, you’ll learn: 

  • The importance of collaboration between retailers and law enforcement: Through shared intelligence and forming effective networks, you can address ORC more efficiently and enhance community safety.
  • The role of technology in combating crime: Features like dashboards, license plate recognition, and direct to police reporting enhance law enforcement's ability to gather actionable intelligence and respond more effectively to retail and connected crimes.
  • The potential of retail insights in law enforcement operations: This includes creating more accurate and timely National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) reports, enhancing investigative efforts, and even applying technologies like license plate recognition to broader law enforcement objectives, such as locating missing people or tracking stolen vehicles.

Find this episode on: Spotify | Apple Podcasts | YouTube

June 4, 2024
Public Safety

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